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Tuesday 8 November 2011

Audience Feedback on Narrative

I asked the same people who did our audience feedback for their music interests what would their ideas be for the narrative to 'The Show'. I played them the song without the video so that they would have their own interpretation on it. None of them had heard the song so it was quite good as it was fresh ideas. They were all similar so here are the three comments that I thought were explained the best.
It should be quite modern, like the show 'Take Me out'. Maybe someone walks in to a room and then there's loads of girls and the main girl (artist) is thinking she won't ever get picked by the man but in the end she is. Could follow each of their sides to the story.
It should be about a show definitely. Maybe an audition and the preparation for the show so we see the audition, then rehearsals and then at the end we see the show. It should have love incorporated somewhere in to it but how you can do that I don't know.
It should be about a show so the before hand would be good to concentrate on such as rehearsal scenes and photo shoots. You could also do a play that's about love like a well known one. That would go with the bits when she's singing about love. Just incorporate the two together.

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